Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Baby" Steps

I am cautiously optimistic that we are getting close to Ray, Charlie & Evan coming home.  Yesterday, Ray & Charlie moved into their "big boy" beds - which in their unit is code for open bassinets.  One of the key milestones for coming home is for the baby to maintain his temperature.  We take their temps at every feeding so the nurses can keep a close eye on it.  Keep your fingers crossed that they keep it up!  And if you're wondering about Evan, he's been in a big boy bed since the beginning.

Ray and Charlie in their big boy beds

And there have been milestones for me and Josh too!  The other night we gave Ray his first swaddle bath.  We didn't have to worry about doing a sponge bath because his cord is already off.  Ray may have the most "Reeves" in him as he was very laid back and calm the entire time - much like his Daddy (and his Pop).

Lastly - after all of the research and good intentions - the car seats we bought just don't fit right!  Even though Ray was actually able to sit up for 90 minutes in this carseat, which is great, we couldn't move past the fact that fit was slightly off..  Luckily, we had made new friends with a couple who have preemie twins in the same unit as our guys.  This couple had made a similar mistake and had bought new carseats that fit their little ones correctly.  And since their carseat was already in the unit - we were able to try it out!   We tested out Evan and Charlie in these new carseats - and they fit great (even though the boys look so tiny!) and the nurse was very confident Ray would fit it in too.  Josh and I then proceeded to Wal-Mart to clean out their supply.  We must have looked like quite the spectacle!
Ray (not so happy) in the "original" car seat during the "car seat challenge"
Evan in the "new carseat"
Charlie in the "new carseat"
At Wal-Mart..2 adults, 3 carseats

So everyone please keep your fingers crossed that Ray, Charlie & Evan keep up the good work!!


  1. Amanda and Josh. These entries are so great. Abigail and I can't wait to see the boys. Congrats! Love Diane.

  2. These babies are super stars!!! They are so very cute and have already stolen everyone's heart. My prayers are for a quick homecoming!!!
